Facilitators: Janelle Jordan and Lorrie Sandelin
Meets at 9 am Fridays: November 15 and December 6. Then, beginning in January it will switch to the first and third Fridays of each month through May. This class will meet in person in the Fireside Room at Lake Harriet UMC.
Have you launched a young adult or are you about to launch them? You are invited to connect with other parents who are in the process of launching their young adults into the world. Whether you now have an empty nest or you have just started launching and still have some at home, this is a chance to connect with others navigating this life transition. A time to share experiences, find support, and discover new ways to embrace this next chapter with understanding and camaraderie.
We will be using the book Release My Grip by Kami Gilmour as a discussion and topic guide.
Please purchase this book at your favorite place to buy books. However, having the book is not a requirement for the class, we will not need the book until the January meeting times.