Children, Youth, Family ministries

At Lake Harriet UMC, we believe that the church starts with families. They are not just the future of the church, they are also our present! Without children, youth, and families, the church is not as vibrant as it can be. That’s why we explore faith, love, justice, diversity, compassion, and service in an open atmosphere that doesn’t fear questions or differences of opinion. We focus on faith, fellowship, and fun all year long!

Want to find out more? Explore our website or contact, Ariel, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries below.

Please fill out the registration form at the bottom for your kids to join in the fun!

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While children of all ages are welcome in worship on Sunday mornings, nursery care is available for your child (6 months to 2 years) during worship, Enrichment Hour on Sunday morning, and during special events at LHUMC. We have excellent nursery staff and volunteers who have undergone a complete background check and safety training, and they are well-prepared for your little one. Upon check-in you will be given a beeper to notify you if your child could use your comfort.

If you and your child wish to stay in worship, you are more than welcome to any space in the sanctuary. Our Wesley Room, attached to the sanctuary, is also available should you need a space for your child to play or move around or use a rocking chair for feeding or sleeping.

Check in at the nursery starts at 9:00am, and check out is 10:45am or 11:30am.

Our nursery staff:

  • Rosey
  • Delaney
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Academic year (2023-2024), One Room Kid Min dates:

  • October 1st - Enrichment Class 1
  • November 5th - Enrichment Class 2
  • December 3rd - Advent Festival
  • January 7th - Enrichment Class 3
  • February 4th - Enrichment Class 4
  • March 3rd - Enrichment Class 5
  • April 7th - Spring Milestone Fair
  • May 5th - Enrichment Class 6
  • June 2nd - Summer Kick-Off Party
Growing Together in Faith & Fun

At Lake Harriet UMC, we believe that all children should be in worship, being their noisy, wiggly, amazing selves. Children should be seen, heard, and celebrated as the body of Christ and the present of the church! We offer children’s bulletins, activity and coloring sheets, and various fidget toys for children to use during worship, though we welcome movement and encourage children to be their authentic selves. 

Additionally, our Wesley Room, attached to the sanctuary, is also available should you need a space for your child to play or move around a lot, or to use a rocking chair for feeding or sleeping. There are many free drawing pages and a library of excellent books in the space as well. 

During worship, children (and everyone of all ages!) are welcome to come up front for the Rainbow Chat, a special part of the service where we focus on something small from the message and talk about it in a way that is more accessible for younger children (though older children and adults are always welcome to join us!) 

If this is not a fit for your youngest preschoolers, the nursery is available up to age 5. We have excellent nursery staff and volunteers who have undergone a complete background check and safety training, and they are well-prepared for your little one. Upon check-in you will be given a beeper to notify you if your child could use your comfort. 

After worship, Pre-K through 3rd grade children are invited to Godly Play, part of our enrichment hour from 10:45am-11:30am. Godly Play is a hands-on storytelling practice, where children are invited to explore and wonder together about many different stories from the Bible and join together in a feast (a small snack that they help prepare and serve!) at the end. 

On the first Sunday of the month, some things look a little different. In worship, we celebrate an All Ages Worship Service. This means that families help lead different elements of worship, and our children’s music groups often lead and share music on that Sunday. We also share in communion together. 

During Enrichment hour on the first Sunday, we have One Room Kid Min (short for Children’s Ministry), where Pre-K through 5th grade are together for either a special teaching time that is not Godly Play, or a special event. On this Sunday, we explore special topics together that help us understand our world is extremely diverse and should be celebrated! 

In the summer, we offer a variety of programming for Pre-K through 3rd grade including: 

  • One Day FUN Days
  • Vacation Bible Camp 
  • Day Field Trip to Stages Theater 
  • For 3rd grade and older, Theater Camp 
  • Enrichment Hour Themed Fun every Sunday after worship 

The summer schedule dates are released mid-September, with registration opening at the beginning of January.

**Please make sure to register your child for children’s ministry using the form below.
Monthly Calendar at bottom of page.

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Academic year (2023-2024), One Room Kid Min dates:

  • October 1st - Enrichment Class 1
  • November 5th - Enrichment Class 2
  • December 3rd - Advent Festival
  • January 7th - Enrichment Class 3
  • February 4th - Enrichment Class 4
  • March 3rd - Enrichment Class 5
  • April 7th - Spring Milestone Fair
  • May 5th - Enrichment Class 6
  • June 2nd - Summer Kick-Off Party

At Lake Harriet UMC, we believe that all children should be in worship, being their noisy, wiggly, amazing selves. Children should be seen, heard, and celebrated as the body of Christ and the present of the church! We offer children’s bulletins, activity and coloring sheets, and various fidget toys for children to use during worship, though we welcome movement and encourage children to be their authentic selves. 

Additionally, our Wesley Room, attached to the sanctuary, is also available should you need a space for your child to play or move around a lot, or to use a rocking chair for feeding or sleeping. There are many free drawing pages and a library of excellent books in the space as well. 

During worship, children (and everyone of all ages!) are welcome to come up front for the Rainbow Chat, a special part of the service where we focus on something small from the message and talk about it in a way that is more accessible for younger children (though older children and adults are always welcome to join us!) 

After worship, 4th and 5th grade children are invited to Bible Black Belts, part of our enrichment hour from 10:45am-11:30am. Bible Black Belts learn how to use and read their Bible (a new Deep Blue CEB Bible is given to them when they enter 4th grade), start to make connections between the Old and New Testament, engage in various activities to help their understanding of the story, and form relationships with each other and with God. 

On the first Sunday of the month, some things look a little different. In worship, we celebrate an All Ages Worship Service. This means that families help lead different elements of worship, and our children’s music groups often lead and share music on that Sunday. We also share in communion together. 

During Enrichment hour on the first Sunday, we have One Room Kid Min (short for Children’s Ministry), where Pre-K through 5th grade are together for either a special teaching time that is not Godly Play, or a special event. On this Sunday, we explore special topics together that help us understand our world is extremely diverse and should be celebrated!

In the summer, we offer a variety of programming for 4th and 5th grade including: 

  • Vacation Bible Camp 
  • Day Field Trip to Stages Theater 
  • Theater Camp 
  • Horizon Hour Themed Fun every Sunday after worship 

The summer schedule dates are released mid-September, with registration opening at the beginning of January. 

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ASP Youth Service Trip

Youth who have completed grade 8 through completed high school are eligible for the trip. Scholarships are available!

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The Appalachian Service Project is a high school service learning opportunity. Each summer, a group of high school youth and leaders from our church embark on a week long trip into the Appalachian region to fix homes and serve the community, establishing relationships with the families they are serving and learning about a different culture and community of the United States.

View ASP Website
6th- 8th Grade

At Lake Harriet UMC, we believe that youth should be in worship as they start to become young adults learning and exploring the word of God in a new way. We celebrate youth as the body of Christ and the present of the church! We offer a bulletin specifically for 6th through 8th graders to help guide them through worship as they start to see and hear topics differently. 

On Sunday mornings, there are no official meetings of middle school or high school aged youth, however the youth room is open and available for any youth who wish to hang out with friends on Sunday mornings. 

We offer a Wednesday night ministry for 6th through 12th graders called Youth Night from 6:30-8:00pm. We focus on relationship building and diving deeper into the word of God and applying it in our daily lives. We rotate through four specific focus areas each month: 

  • First Wednesday: Worship 
  • Second Wednesday: Dive into the Word (Hard Topics) 
  • Third Wednesday: Homework and Game Night 
  • Fourth Wednesday: Service Learning Opportunities 

We also have once a month events outside of church. Trips to the zoo, Whirlyball, Escape Rooms, The Event, and other fun outings are included (and suggestions are always welcome!) Sometimes these events are for 6-12, and sometimes they are for 6-8 only. 

Additionally, we offer summer programing for those in 6th through 8th grades: 

  • Theater Camp 
  • Minne Mission 
  • Once a month fun summer outings 

The summer schedule dates are released mid-September, with registration opening at the beginning of January.

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ASP Youth Service Trip

Youth who have completed grade 8 through completed high school are eligible for the trip. Scholarships are available!

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The Appalachian Service Project is a high school service learning opportunity. Each summer, a group of high school youth and leaders from our church embark on a week long trip into the Appalachian region to fix homes and serve the community, establishing relationships with the families they are serving and learning about a different culture and community of the United States.

View ASP Website
9th- 12th Grade

Confirmation: Starting in Grade 9, high school aged youth can choose to enroll in Confirmation – a yearlong class that teaches youth what it means to be a member of the church and helps them explore their faith in a deep way before choosing to become a member of the church. For enrollment or more information, email Ariel Johnson at [email protected] 

At Lake Harriet UMC, we believe that youth should be in worship as they start to become young adults learning and exploring the word of God in a new way. We celebrate youth as the body of Christ and the present of the church! 

On Sunday mornings, there are no official meetings of middle school or high school aged youth, however the youth room is open and available for any youth who wish to hang out with friends on Sunday mornings. 

We offer a Wednesday night ministry for 6th through 12th graders called Youth Night from 6:30-8:00pm. We focus on relationship building and diving deeper into the word of God and applying it in our daily lives. We rotate through four specific focus areas each month: 

  • First Wednesday: Worship 
  • Second Wednesday: Dive into the Word (Hard Topics) 
  • Third Wednesday: Homework and Game Night 
  • Fourth Wednesday: Service Learning Opportunities 

We also have once a month events outside of church. Trips to the zoo, Whirlyball, Escape Rooms, The Event, and other fun outings are included (and suggestions are always welcome!) Sometimes these events are for 6-12, and sometimes they are for 9-12 only.

Additionally, 9-12 graders have the opportunity to go on the ASP Trip. For more on the ASP trip, view the ASP flip box on the sidebar, visit their webpage,, or contact Ariel for a packet of information

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Ministry Milestones

Milestones are the significant cultural and developmental markers we experience throughout our lives. Babies take their first steps and proclaim their first words. Kids have first days of school and first nights away from home. Just as we mark these firsts in their everyday lives, we also want to celebrate the first in your child’s faith development: baptism, receiving their first Bible and more. It is our hope that by celebrating these Milestones of Faith, we will create sacred moments for your child and your family to engage in deeper conversations about what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Every child from 3 years to 5th grade celebrates one milestone event each year. These special “together times” are designed to give families a meaningful starting place in passing Faith onto the next generation. Milestones are kid friendly introductions to the adventures of prayer, baptism, communion, big church, Sunday school, their own Bible, liturgical calendar, and growing a servant’s heart.

Twice a year, we host Milestone Fairs! These events feature every milestone and provide an opportunity to achieve milestones that you may have missed before, or to complete a milestone that your child is now ready for! 

Stay tuned for upcoming Milestone Ministries updates in 2024!

Welcome to the World

Babies Milestone

An opportunity to meet other families with little ones and learn more about Children’s Ministries at Lake Harriet UMC.

Welcome to Godly Play

Age 3 Milestone

Welcome to the Children’s Enrichment Hour: We learn about our Godly Play curriculum and introduce your family to all the fun we will have together on Sunday mornings. 

I can Pray

Age 4/Pre-K Milestone

Children and parents learn more about talking to God together. How can we pray? Where can we pray? 

Touch & See My Church

Kindergarten Milestone

Children explore the sanctuary with a behind the scenes tour and learn more about worship.

Touch the Water

First Grade

Children learn about the sacrament of Baptism, it’s significance, and the symbolism of water.

Taste the Bread

Second Grade

Children learn about Holy Communion and what it means for us.

A Bible of My Own

Third Grade

Each child will receive a new Bible and learn together with their parents about how to use it.

Heart of a Servant

Fourth & Fifth Grade

Learning about mission and service to the world in Christ’s name. Children will participate in a hands on service project.

Bridging to Youth

Sixth Grade +

6th graders move on from Children’s Ministries to join the Youth Ministries program.

Upcoming Events

VBC - Camp Road Trip

It's that time of year again - time to sign up for this summer's Vacation Bible Camp - Road Trip! Cost is FREE for all campers from 9:00a-12:00pm. There is optional child care from 12:00-4:30pm every day, with the added option of a before care drop off (8:15a).

This camp is for those in Pre-K 3 (toilet trained) through 5th grade entering in Fall 2025. Cost for after care is $30/day for $75/week. Before and after care are available for ALL AGES.
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Ariel Johnson

Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries